I'm a Gift Machine … Quick Gift Ideas for Knitters!

I’ve been knitting like crazy! My go to pattern this year is the Pompoms Hat – I’ve made 19 so far using a variety of chunky weight yarns like Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, Zaps and Hometown USA.
The hat: Pompoms Hat made with Hometown USA in the color Phoenix Azalea with a purple Pom on top. This hat took just over an hour to make!
The glasses: WearMe Pro’s Heart shape mirror glasses are cute, I really like them! For $9.95, these are great value and very good quality – a great gift, especially coupled with a handmade case!
The glasses case: Made in under a half hour, I cast on nine stitches of Woolspun and Hometown USA (in the color Charlotte Blue) held together. I eyeballed the length, added a three-stitch button hole and an over-sized button from my stash and voila, cute glasses case!
Watch a movie and have two gifts before the credits roll …
* I received a pair of Women Metal Heart Frame Mirror Lens Cupid Heartshape Sunglasses at a discounted price in exchange for writing a review on the blog.