Laurel Roth Hope’s Crochet ‘Biodiversity Reclamation Suits’ for Extinct Urban Pigeons

I first shared one of Laurel Roth Hope‘s incredible Biodiversity Reclamation Suits as part of this post, 10 of the Most Perfect Pigeons in Knit and Crochet. Recently, This Is Colossal featured her work so I thought it would be good to revisit it. Plus a few of you messaged me too … thank you!
From the artist, “Inspired by the traditional use of fiber-craft to provide safety and comfort, I have been crocheting small suits for urban pigeons that disguise them as extinct birds, thereby (visually) re-creating biodiversity and placing a soothing “cozy” on environmental fears.”
Here are a few of my favorites:
For more of Laurel Roth Hope’s “Biodiversity Reclamation Suits for Urban Pigeons” visit her at loloro.com.