She Wondered To Herself, Will Sour Punch Straws Knit?

Curious knitters are the best knitters because they often wonder, “will it knit?” Some of my favorite examples of curious knitters and their knits include Carol Milne, who knits with glass, Knits For Life for their knitted pie crust, Marcy Gooberman knit gloves with dental floss, and how about this scarf knit with 15 packs of string gummies, and who can ever forget Dawn Payne’s edible thong? The list is legendary and now we have a new addition!
Susan Atwell wondered about knitting Sour Punch Straws, and she did not let that curious thought fade away. No, she took it upon herself to answer the question and the answer is a resounding yes!
Thank you to Susan Atwell for giving me permission to share her fun knitting with the KnitHacker community!
What’s the strangest material you’ve knit or crocheted with?