Look At The Hat Mama Knit!
Made and shared by JustMeC.
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by Danielle | Mar 2, 2011 | Knit Hacks | 4 |
Made and shared by JustMeC.
Read Moreby Danielle | Jul 15, 2010 | KnitHacker | 0 |
Fun fact, some dinosaurs had a series of hollow chambers in their tail vertebrae that may have...
Read Moreby Danielle | Jun 15, 2010 | Beyond Knitting | 1 |
Made by Virginia Nitz from Dublin, Ireland. She says: My first (official) knithack! Based on a 6-year-old’s artwork and a Jean Greenhowe pattern 🙂 My friend’s daughter J. asked me to knit her a dinosaur, and drew...
Read Moreby Danielle | Mar 22, 2010 | KnitHacker | 0 |
Shared by creston funk. Looking for some similar options? Check out Etsy! Source: from the 1978 British book The Needleworker’s Constant Companion * This post contains an affiliate link.
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