Tentacle Time: 6 Exceptional Patterns for Octopus-Loving Knitters

“We split from our common ancestor with the octopus half a billion years ago. And yet, you can make friends with an octopus.” — Sy Montgomery, author of The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness

Knit Octopus Pattern By Knitted Funny Zoo

Robyn Octopus Knitting Kit By Wool Couture Company

TeaCosyFolk’s Octopus Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern

Knit Octopus Hat Pattern By Lady Lilliput

Knitting Pattern for Salish Garden Octopus Sweater By Story Sweaters

Octopus Baby Blankey By Simply Toys13
Visit Etsy for more octopus-inspired knitting patterns!
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