Forget Karma, These Tiny Crochet Chameleons Will Save Us All …

Forget Karma, These Tiny Crochet Chameleons Will Save Us All …

We are all chameleons … pick up one of these popular chameleons from maker Victoria Melnikova! Want to make your own? Scroll down for pattern suggestions.

Forget Karma, These Tiny Crochet Chameleons Will Save Us All ...

Forget Karma, These Tiny Crochet Chameleons Will Save Us All

Freestyle crochet by Owl_Victorika, follow her on Instagram. Maker Aimee Helbert has released a pattern of her version.

SIMILAR PATTERN: Leo the Tiny Chameleon by Aimee Helbert. (Here’s a knit version.)


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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.


  1. Gina Fleming

    Where can I get the pattern for these cute chameleons?

  2. Sher

    I’d also love to get the pattern! Major cuteness!

  3. Michelle

    Is there a knit version?

  4. Jill Hartung

    Where can I get this pattern???

  5. Fran Wilkins

    Those are so adorable! Are you able to share the pattern ? Thank you so much!

  6. Sherry Shoemaker

    Also looking for the pattern in English, please.

  7. Cheryl

    Could i please get the pattern.. crotched and kmitted if available..

  8. Audrey Marchant

    These chameleons are great do you have a pattern for them in english?

  9. Mindi

    I’d love a pattern too if available!

  10. Paula

    I would love this pattern in English, please! My grandkids would love that !

  11. Barbara

    I would love an English crochet pattern for this if there is one.

    • Zoe

      There is one, but it costs $1.99.

  12. Bev Berry

    So many requests for the pattern. I don’t see any answers. Is the pattern available, it would be such a shame not to share this beautiful artwork

  13. Rachel

    I believe the original artist is not from USA and in the original post she says there is no pattern available. (I want it too!)

  14. Amy

    Ok, so no pattern…what do you think the legs and tail are covering? Clearly she’s used embroidery floss, but do you think there is wire under there? These are too adorable!

    • donna

      amy crochet a chain and wrap it with embroidery floss, it should be firm enuf not too need wire.

      • Heather Hutchinson Ordover

        Do you think that’s how she did the tail, too? First tacking it into shape, then wrapping it? Or vice versa?

      • Heather Ordover

        Do you think that’s how she did the tail, too? First tacking it into shape, then wrapping it? Or vice versa?

        • donna

          wrapping it first I would think and then tacking it. that way you use the tail end of thread to tack it into place before burying it into the body of the animal. at least that is how i would tackle it

      • Lynn perez

        That’s a great idea…never would have thought of it. I was thinking pipe cleaners with the fuzz removed, then wrapped.

  15. Jenny Ogilvie

    try Pinterest

  16. Sheherazahde

    I went to her page and translated it. The materials include wire and a brooch pin.
    The legs and tails look like wrapped wire to me. Even some of the mouth details look like wrapped wire.
    She definitely uses embroidery floss and does some of the detail work with embroidery.

  17. Nicki

    I would love to have the pattern

  18. Sandra

    Was wondering if the pattern is available. English please. Thank you

  19. eno

    pls link the ravelry pattern

  20. Sandra Popek

    Very Cute!!! Russians are so good at needlework! Are you going to sell the pattern in English? Thank you!


  21. Linda L. Hoyt

    Do a google search: Crochet chameleons, then scroll thru all the pictures. Some of them are sooo cute. For sale or pattern sale.

    • Sher

      Very cute! Thanks!

  22. Lucie Clément

    I’d love a pattern too if available!

  23. carine

    bonjour , il serait possible d avoir le tuto merci bcp

    • Danielle

      ce n’est pas possible, je suis désolé. le fabricant ne l’a pas rendu disponible.



  25. Sara

    Please girls, I bought the pattern on Ravelry, but my chamelron are awful!!! How can I fix the legs??? Pleeeeeeease ?

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