She Needle-Felted a Grumpy Cat for Charity – Using Real Cat Fur!
Shared by Emily McEwan-Fujita who says, “I needle felted real cat fur to create ‘Grumpy Cat’ on a recycled thrift-store cashmere/silk blend sweater. The fur was sustainably harvested from my sister-in-law’s Himalayan cats. (LOL) Other materials used include scraps of felt, vinyl, and muslin, sheep’s wool roving, Burly Spun yarn, and a brass bell. The label below the cat says “kimuzukashii neko-chan” (“grumpy cat” in Japanese).
I donated the sweater and it was displayed at the “Cat Person” show at Argyle Fine Art gallery, and raffled off to support a cat charity in Halifax, Nova Scotia.”
Thanks Emily!