Saint Frances of Acorn in Her Adorable Knit Swaddle Sac and Cap – Free Pattern!

This gorgeous wee one is the daughter of my good friend Carey and her awesome husband Jeff. “Baby Frances” definitely made a big impression on my son Finn and I when we met her for the first time this past summer.
As you can see, Frances is wearing an amazing acorn ensemble — knitted by Carey! The pattern, however, is by Rebecca Bright and is offered freely on one condition. Rebecca gives the pattern away for free with the hope that you will donate to her large family which keeps growing! Read more about it over at the Bright Family Farm blog. (Note: it appears that the blog has not been updated since January, but the Paypal donation link is still live, so if you download this lovely pattern, give what you can.)
FREE PATTERN: Knit Swaddle Sac and Cap by Rebecca Bright.