Put A Bird On It! Your Knit & Crochet Hats Will Never Be The Same!

I know this isn’t going to replace your Tilley, and maker Laura (aka indigonightowl) wants you to know that this has nothing to do with Portlandia (sorry, I couldn’t resist the reference …) – she just likes birds. Well, I do too and I think this is such a great idea – absolutely ADORE it!

Knit by indigonightowl, hat pattern “Raxtur” by Stephen West, and
FREE bird pattern “Bluebird of Happiness” by Sara Elizabeth Kellner.

Knit by indigonightowl, hat pattern “Aloof” by Cathy Carron, and
bird pattern “Bluebird of Happiness” by Sara Elizabeth Kellner.

Knit by indigonightowl, hat and bird pattern is “Yoruba Bird” by Vicki Square.
Thanks for writing about my hats! I’d love to see more people having fun with this concept. 🙂
Thanks, Laura – it’s such a great idea and I love that you’re encouraging people to try it too!