The Bed Your Kitty-Cat Dreams Of – It’s a Ball of Yarn Cat Cave! Get the Tutorial To Make One

The Bed Your Kitty-Cat Dreams Of – It’s a Ball of Yarn Cat Cave! Get the Tutorial To Make One

This might be the best thing I’ve ever seen. Like ever …

The Bed Your Kitty-Cat Dreams Of - It's a Ball of Yarn Cat Cave!

Want to make one? There’s a FREE tutorial over at Wow!

Supplies you’ll need include:

For the knitting needles, Retail Works sells them for window displays, but they’re pricey. You could buy dowels on Amazon and make your own … if you’re feeling super-crafty!

Here are some suggestions:

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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.


  1. krissie

    Where did you/they get the large knitting needles lol?? I need to find large crochet hooks asap!

  2. Danielle

    I’m sure they’re custom made with dowel rods!

  3. Sonya

    Can I order this? Are they for sale?

    • Danielle

      I don’t know of anyone off the top of my head right now, I might try my hand at them over the summer. You could try Etsy.

  4. Valerie

    I bought a pair of very large knitting needles I think it was JoAnn’s or Hobby Lobby.

    • Renee

      I don’t knit – who can make me one to purchase???!

      • Mary

        You don’t need to know how to knit. It’s basically wrapping yarn around a big ball

  5. Linda Dalessandro

    The link is not working for the tutorial

    • Danielle

      Hi Linda, Maybe the link was down when you tried? It works for me now. Try again!

  6. Samantha Yinger

    I don’t find a tutorial for the bed with the knitting needles, just the ball cave.

    • Danielle

      The knitting needles are inserted afterwards, you can do it without a tutorial! I know you can!

  7. Stacey Miller

    So we were talking about this adorable cat cave at my knitting group today. One person was asking if the cats ever climb on top of the ball and if it could stand the wait on top of the ball?

  8. Linda Dalessandro

    the needles are a hard fine i got dowels and wooden balls to fit the tops wish me luck

    • Wanda

      Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing

  9. Wendy

    How do you make the first one… if you make the cut in the ball I dont understand how the opening is so neat and smooth? A perfect circle covering the edges of the ball without being able to wrap twine arnd front

    • Brig

      It’ll be stiff from the glue.

  10. catherine f figahs

    need instructions cant gget to them

  11. Krissy

    Will this fit or hold a 18 pound cat? Where can. I buy the materials?

  12. Danielle

    Hi Krissy, it would depend how big a beach ball you use and how sturdy you make it. I would use the thickest dowlings you can find, and keep it closer to the floor. It looks like this one even rests on the floor and I think that’s a good idea. There are some suggestions for materials in my post – follow the links and check out the tutorial for more tips too.

  13. Carlette

    I made it! Its a lot of glue.

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