Is Your Mom a Crafty Crochet Queen? Here Are 12 Gift Ideas For Mother’s Day!

Is Your Mom a Crafty Crochet Queen? Here Are 12 Gift Ideas For Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day fast approaches and if you’re looking for the perfect gift, I’ve got you! Whether you crochet, your mom crochets, or you both do – there are options for everyone, crocheters and non-crocheters-alike … So don’t delay, check out these crochet-appropriate patterns and products perfect for crochet queen moms! From cute cup cosies to yarn bombing, you’ll find something she loves!

Mother’s Day Applique Pattern – These letters crochet up quick and are the perfect embellishment for any Mother’s Day card. The letters are approx. 7cm tall. The size will depend on the yarn thickness and the hook size you choose. Couple these with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story!

Crochet Mother's Day Applique

Sloth Planter Pattern – How cute is this? This planter works up quick and you can order the tiny potted plants here. Couple this adorable sloth planter with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story!

Crochet a Sloth Planter for Mother's Day

Handy Crochet Hooks Keychain – Same day shipping for Amazon Prime members! Your mom will love these pretty KeyChain travel crochet hooks – think of it as a survival kit for crochet queens! Pair this with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and your mom will be all set!

KeyChain travel crochet hooks for Mother's Day

Water Bottle Sling Pattern – This water bottle holder is both stylish and practical. Couple it with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and you have the perfect gift.

Crochet a Water Bottle Sling

Yarn Ball Winder and Yarn Umbrella Swift – Impress your mom with a thoughtful gift, she’ll never expect but I guarantee she will appreciate it! This set makes winding the wool and many other strings into balls a much easier. Couple it with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and you have the perfect gift.

Yarn Ball Winder and Yarn Umbrella Swift

Dragonfly Coasters Pattern With Cute Caddy – How adorable is this? This set works up quick! Couple this adorable set with light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story!

Dragonfly Coasters Pattern With Cute Caddy

Dragonfly Coasters Pattern With Cute Caddy

3 Tier Metal Utility Cart Organizer – This ships quick and comes in three colors … I have one of these and I love it! It’s very popular with us crafty types. Couple this cart with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and you have the makings of the best Mother’s Day ever!

Cute Cupcake Cup Cosy Pattern – Crocheting and coffee go hand in hand … crochet this quick for mom and throw in a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and you have the perfect Mother’s Day gift!

Cute Cupcake Cup Cosy Pattern

Yarn, The Documentary on DVD – Your mom can meet the artists who are redefining the tradition of knit and crochet, bringing yarn out of the house and into the world. Reinventing our relationship with this colorful tradition, Yarn weaves together wool graffiti artists, circus performers, and structural designers into a visually-striking look at the women who are making a creative stance while building one of modern art’s hottest trends. Couple this DVD with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and your mom will be yarn bombing in no time!

Watch Yarn, The Documentary on DVD

Mom’s First Yarn Bomb – Monster Feet! – Give your mom the gift of yarn bombing for Mother’s Day with this popular crochet pattern from Knits For Life. Purchase the pattern, then print out an instant download here. Pair the pattern with a set of light-up crochet hooks from Yarn Story and your mom will be yarn bombing in no time, day and night!

Mom's First Yarn Bomb - Monster Feet!


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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

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