Top 5 Reasons Why Knitting Can Enhance the Education Process of a Child

Top 5 Reasons Why Knitting Can Enhance the Education Process of a Child

Knitting is an important art that can improve the learning capabilities of students. Through the process of crafting, learners can enhance their motor coordination skills, comprehension, and ability to think critically. According to IBuyEssay experts that help students to craft the best writing papers and get excellent grades and results, critical thinking skills are one of the abilities that essay writers rely on to assist you with your complex class assignments. Learn more about why the art of weaving can improve the learning capability of a child.

Photo By Johntex via Creative Commons License 2.5

Knitting Helps to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills of a Child

Critical thinking helps to solve a problem through objective analysis of an issue, says Michael Kellen, a journalist with New York Times. This is an essential skill that can make a child develop solutions to complex mathematical and scientific issues. Through the process of knitting, a learner can develop the capability. This is because the student may be required to come up with complex patterns that can only be developed through deeper thoughts. Thus, improving their ability to think critically.

The ability to think critically will come in handy at school and university when writing various student assignments. The experts of writemyessay company claim that to express your thoughts and your author’s opinion appropriately, you need to think critically. That’s why it’s worth developing this skill from an early age.

Knitting Helps to Improve the Social Skills of a Child

A successful education process involves the integration of a variety of things. This includes the effective use of social skills, to gain the attention of students and teachers. For example, a leaner has to ask questions, associate with team members, and present solutions in class. Without adequate socialization skills, it is difficult for a student to associate with peers effectively. Teachers can use knitting to improve the social skills of a child. This is because students will work in a group to weave their artifacts. In the process, they will learn how to ask questions and respond to the needs of their peers.

Knitting Helps to Improve the Motor Skills of a Child

Fine motor skills can help improve the body coordination capabilities of a child. He will know how to move his hands and fingers to solve a problem, say, Dr. Gardner, an expert on multiple intelligences. Effective body coordinative skills can give a learner, the confidence to associate with peers and other education stakeholders. Thus, contribution to a successful educational journey.

Through the art of crocheting, students can acquire complex fine motor skills. The reason is that they are using both their hands to weave. Through this process, learners will acquire skills on how to coordinate their body systems to solve a problem. Thus, the need to integrate the art of knitting into the school curriculum.

Knitting Helps to Increase the Curiosity of a Learner

In a researcher by Dr. Garner, what emerged is that knitting helps to make students curious. One of the important attributes of a successful leaner is curiosity. Through it, a pupil will carry out in-depth research to get more knowledge. Engaging in such a study will improve the researching skills of a learner. Thus, contributing to their academic success because they would easily write essays and dissertations.

In fact, Gardner asserts that 96% of teachers are of the view that a practical lesson improves the curiosity of a child. Knitting is an example of a hands-on lesson since students will use their fingers to learn. Therefore, there is a need to introduce such crocheting lessons in-class curriculum. Furthermore, they should be used as methods of instruction.

Knitting Can Enhance the Process of Teaching Life Lessons to Students

The process of education involves more than just reading books and passing written examinations. Getting good grades will not be useful for you if you lack life skills. You can acquire such capabilities when you participate in knitting and crocheting classes. Example of abilities you need that you cannot get in class are:

  • Responsibility: You will acquire this skill because you will be responsible for the safety of your yarn.
  • Focus and follow instructions: Successful knitters can concentrate on their work. This is because the knitting process requires you to be keen on details. Keenness would entail following the patterns of the garment.
  • Perseverance and Persistence: The crocheting and the knitting process takes time. You need to be patient to complete the work and produce a quality project. The acquisition of this capability can only be done when you engage in a practical exercise.
  • Improves personal hygiene. You will always learn to clean your hands to ensure a neat yarn.

Bottom Line: Knitting Is Important for the Learning Process

Knitting is an important activity that can help improve the learning process of a child. One reason is that it improves the fine motor skills of the learner. Students would use their hands and fingers to knit the yarn. So, teachers should integrate crocheting lessons into their curriculum.

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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

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