Best Knitting Tutorials on YouTube

Best Knitting Tutorials on YouTube

Whether you are pro or amateur in needle-craft, there are plenty of YouTube channels you can binge-watch to learn and perfect your knitting skills. YouTube stands out as one of the best platforms to perfect your knitting hobby because it offers a variety of video content from both experienced and intermediate knitters.

As a beginner, you can watch YouTube videos of expert knitters who talk about their knitting experience to videos of the knitting process from scratch. You will also learn a variety of techniques used in knitting to enable you to create your knitting lane. Here are some of the top-notch YouTube channels that will walk you through the process of knitting.

1. Sheep & Stitch

This channel explains to a beginner the easiest options to create a perfect knit. You get to learn step by step how to combine different beautiful knitting patterns. The tutorial not only gives a platform to learn and grow but also gives you great inspiration from the outcome of every piece of knitting. It will also enable you to decode the complex nature of the knitting process.

There are plenty of apps to download videos from YouTube on different OS and if you get wowed by any of the app, just copy the link and paste it on the download app or search the videos from the app and enjoy the content offline.

2. Studio Knit

Awaken the knitting genius in you by taking a few minutes of your time and learn some of the best knitting craft on this amazing YouTube channel. Studio Knit offers a slow and detailed tutorial in which you can learn a variety of knitting techniques, learn some of the unique knitted projects, and some easy stitch patterns.

On this channel, even an inexperienced novice who has no idea what knitting is will simply get the gist of it in a couple of minutes. Some of the knitting techniques in this channel include; knit stitch patterns tutorials, bubble beanie heart patterns for knitters, best gift knitting ideas, how to knit a bunny from a square, among many other patterns.

3. GoodKnitKisses by Kristen Mangus

This YouTube channel hosted by designer Kristen Mangus has a major principle which is to inspire and encourage people through education in the art of design on knitting craft. This channel is highly searched for and recommended for many beginners. It is listed on Revelry, which gives it more credibility as a go-to for knitting tutorials.

You can benefit from a free tutorial to learn basic knitting patterns as well as subscribe to the premium option, which gives you extra tips at a convenient rate. Learn about needle knitting for beginners, loom knitting tutorials and also get reviews on the best knitting options, among many other tutorials on the channel.

4. Happy Berry Knitting

Get free knitting tutorials to form one of the best knitting channels on YouTube. Learn how to craft different items, including hats, holiday and festivities décor, scarves, and many other patterns in the channel. The channel is highly recommended for its brief and straight-to-the-point tutorials for any beginner to understand.

5. Relatively Crafty

Relatively crafty is also a highly recommended channel for new learners and those who wish to perfect their craft. It is, however, important to note that this channel is a podcast and therefore doesn’t offer technical tutorials for knitting per se.

You will, however, greatly learn from the channel host Christi-Lael about her complete products, the patterns and materials she used, which will also give you great inspiration and direction to sort out her knitting materials.

6. Broadwick Fibres

Do you have a fetish for nicely hand-knitted wall hangings and yarn or chunky blankets? Learn more about the craft and other hand knitting techniques on this top-notch channel.
Watch videos about hand-knitted yarns and a step-by-step tutorial on how to hand-knit the large yarns from scratch. Take advantage of this video tutorial which is offered for free and inform you of the small tips about the giant yarns and kits.

7. Salapaloosa Knits

Salapaloosa knits come to this list of great knitting podcasts because it offers you great lessons on knitting, dyeing yarn, and crochet using a variety of videos and examples. The channel host Elizabeth is consistent in providing viewers with new content every time and then. She gives great recommendations and reviews a variety of knits and patterns. It is a great platform for those who like everything about knitting.

You will ignite your creative and artistic side with the video tutorials and have something to recommend to your loved ones from time to time. The YouTube channels range from podcasts and to video tutorials which gives every beginner the best options for patterns and techniques for knitting. Learn and enjoy watching the videos as you perfect your knitting hobby.

* Contributed Content and may contain affiliate links.

About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

1 Comment

  1. Sandie

    How would I do 1/1LC WITHOUT USING A cable holder also 1/1RC

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