HOLIDAY SALE! A MyHeritage DNA Kit Is The Ultimate Personalized Gift, Plus Nine DNA-Inspired Patterns To Perfect Your Offering!


At this time of year, many of us struggle to find the perfect gift for those we love. Have you ever considered a DNA Kit from ? Coupled with handmade, DNA-themed knitwear, home accents or amigurumi, you can’t get more personalized!

Keep reading for more information on and some pattern suggestions too!

Why A DNA from Makes The Perfect Gift

As knitters and crocheters, we know that personalized gift-giving is a wonderful way to nurture relationships. Including a in your gift-giving mix provides your loved one with the message that you care and would love to support them in the discovery of new family bonds.

Here are six more reasons to gift a :

  • Discover origins across 2,114 regions and compare Genetic Groups to DNA Matches.
  • Find new relatives through shared DNA. Those who take a MyHeritage DNA test or upload DNA to MyHeritage will receive both an Ethnicity Estimate and a list of DNA Matches. These are people who are likely to be relatives (close or distant) because there are significant similarities between their DNA.
  • Provides more than a gift, it offers an experience which is much more meaningful because the memories we create from experience brings us joy for the rest of our lives.
  • Emotional health! A MyHeritage DNA kit benefits not only the person who takes the test but also the younger generation in their family. Providing your loved ones with more information about their family history helps them feel a stronger sense of identity and belonging, and this contributes to their emotional well-being.
  • Get free shipping when you buy two kits.
  • It’s the holiday season and are on sale!


Nine DNA-Themed Patterns For Knitters & Crocheters

As knitters and crocheters, we’re always thinking about personalization and infusing as much deep meaning into our gift-giving as we can. Now that you’ve hopefully decided to take advantage , below are several patterns I’ve discovered that would make an excellent coupling to go with your thoughtful gift. Both Etsy and Ravelry have hundreds of additional selections if you’d like to do your own discovery – these below are my personal favorites!


A MyHeritage DNA Kit Makes The Perfect Personalized Gift, Plus Six DNA-Inspired Patterns To Sweeten The Deal!

Science Appliques By The Yarn Conspiracy

A MyHeritage DNA Kit Makes The Perfect Personalized Gift, Plus Six DNA-Inspired Patterns To Sweeten The Deal!

Baby’s First DNA Model Knit Pattern By Kimberly Chapman

A MyHeritage DNA Kit Makes The Perfect Personalized Gift, Plus Six DNA-Inspired Patterns To Sweeten The Deal!

DNA Cable Hat Pattern By Crazy Hand Store

A MyHeritage DNA Kit Makes The Perfect Personalized Gift, Plus Six DNA-Inspired Patterns To Sweeten The Deal!

DNA Pullover Pattern by Andrea Cull


Examples Of Meaningful Connections Made By MyHeritage Users

One great thing about MyHeritage is their commitment to following the incredible and deeply moving stories that get uncovered through their service. From celebrities to regular folks like you and me, the potential for beautiful, life-changing connections is high!

Below are several inspiring DNA-success stories recently celebrated by MyHeritage.


For the most unique gift idea this season, I sincerely hope that I have convinced you to take advantage of this incredible holiday sale, visit today!

* This post contains sponsored content.

About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

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