Sandrine Boutry’s #SecretStripyProject is … a Yarn Bombed Car, Inside and Out!

Also known as WOOLA OOPS!
Read all about WOOLA OOPS over at her blog. She wants to know, what should she yarnbomb next?
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Posted by Danielle | Aug 18, 2014 | Beyond Knitting, Crochet Hacks, Yarn Bombs & Fiber Art | 2 |
Also known as WOOLA OOPS!
Read all about WOOLA OOPS over at her blog. She wants to know, what should she yarnbomb next?
Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.
Check out the latest knit & crochet patterns listed on Etsy and check out my patterns too!
Since 2008, Knithacker has shined a bright light on independent designers and small businesses. This year alone, KnitHacker has directly helped hundreds of designers connect with knitting and crochet enthusiasts. Whether you're a designer I've featured or a maker who discovered a designer through KnitHacker, consider making a donation!
Your support will help me, Danielle Holke, keep KnitHacker a free service for our community. Every dollar makes a difference, thank you.
Thanks for this 😉
as written on my blog though, I would have liked much better that you contacted me at first, before using my photos.
Please remember to do so next time 😉
Thanks in advance
Too cute!