It’s Official! Guinness World Record for Largest Crochet Blanket Set By ’67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela’ Group

More than 6700 blankets were sewn together — look at this stunning photograph:
The 3133 square metres of handmade blankets knitted, crocheted or quilted by the knitwits of 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day has broken a Guinness World Record – it is the largest area covered by a blanket. This Mandela Day initiative celebrates the ethos and the legacy of a man who united South Africans in a time of uncertainty and today was a true testament to that, seeing thousands of hand crafted blankets hand made with love and compassion. The blankets will now be distributed to the needy before the cold arrives.
Source: http://www.mediaupdate.co.za
Photograph above: taken by Peter Morey.
Photograph above: taken by Mark Strewn.
For more great photos, visit: https://www.nelsonmandela.org
To read more about the project, visit: http://www.67blankets.co.za