Special Discount for KnitHacker Readers – Save 10% on Chalkola Markers

Finn and I spent some time playing around with a sample package of Liquid Chalk Markers from Chalkola. I really had no idea what to expect so I decided to do some experimenting, as evidenced in the photo below:
First I tested the markers on a small ceramic pot (glazed). I thought it would be interesting to have a flower pot that can be adjusted for mood, color, etc – think silly quotes of the day! I used purple to cover the inside rim and it worked well and looked great with very smooth lines. Then I wiped that off and took a circle stencil and applied a single hot pink dot to the outside. It looked great too, lots of fun.
Next, canvas ballet flats. I’ve always wanted to decorate these plain shoes but could never commit to a design – I tried a several simple ideas and the markers wiped off fine, with a little extra muscle needed for black and red.
Lastly, we drew on some glittery cardstock we had on-hand and it was a good combo. The chalk markers were smooth to use but mistakes could be wiped away instantly – great for a kid like mine who really takes his drawing seriously.
Then a crazy thought – use the ipad, yes, ipad! Our old first generation ipad actually worked great as a canvas for drawing – the markers cleaned up off the screen, no problem.
I would love to hear ideas on how they could be integrated with yarn – maybe to color doll hair? Send me ideas!
Ready to commit? Here’s a purchase link if you’re interested in giving them a try. Use code KNITCHLK for 10% off!
Looking to learn more? Visit Chalkola online: http://www.chalkola.com
* I received a Chalkola Chalk Markers in exchange for writing a review on the blog.
Really good idea