UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters …and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters …and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

October 22nd, 2022: That’s a wrap folks, knitters Christine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott are concluding their Saltwater Knits Series. Read the full story via CBC and scroll down for links to buy the books.

Get a copy of the first book, Saltwater Mittens from the Island of Newfoundland: More than 20 heritage designs to knit, and add the sequels ‘Saltwater Classics: Caps, Vamps and Mittens from the Island of Newfoundland’, Saltwater Gifts from the Island of Newfoundland: More than 25 fashion and home styles to knit, and Saltwater Socks, Caps, Mittens and more to your shopping cart too! Makes GREAT GIFTS!

I love this story so much … Newfoundland knitters Shirley Scott and Christine LeGrow saw that their province was losing a tradition – the knit trigger mitten.

“Called trigger mitts because they were originally used by men who hunted seabirds, the mitts are part-glove, with a separate thumb and index finger, and part-mitten, with a hand to keep the other three fingers toasty. They were designed to free up hunters’ fingers to use a rifle.” – via CBC

Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback

So they put together a pattern book which includes instructions for making trigger mitts, as well as traditional Newfoundland designs for conventional mittens and gloves. The patterns were painstakingly recreated through buying pairs from thrift shops and church sales and analyzing the stitches. So amazing!

Read more via CBC. And check out the story of their second book, the sequel, Saltwater Classics: Caps, Vamps and Mittens from the Island of Newfoundland.

Get a copy of the first book, Saltwater Mittens from the Island of Newfoundland: More than 20 heritage designs to knit, and add the sequels to your shopping cart too! Makes GREAT GIFTS!.

UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters ...and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters ...and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters ...and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

UPDATED: Knit Trigger Mitts Make a Big Comeback Thanks To Two Newfoundland Knitters ...and Now There Are Saltwater Sequels!

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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

1 Comment

  1. Beverley Wentzell

    I have been asked to knit a pr of mittens with the finger, NEVER before have I and bought a book with the
    two ladies from NLF i need a easy pattern if possible. I belong to an organization which we make so
    much for the Montreal hospital for children, quilts, toe casts, opt dolls, pillow cases and. KNITTED. shrugs
    for the cheom and. lap bllankets also.
    can you assist me

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