Leave the yarn bombs alone, you big thieving jerks!

I don’t usually get too upset about stolen yarn bombs. As with most street art, theft and vandalism can be part of the process … but in this case, I’m pretty sad. Not cool Portland yarn bomb thieves, not cool.
“Over the weekend, however, some hooligan, malcontent or wanton Grinch tore all but one sleeve off the umbrella man in Pioneer Square. The otters also had their warm sweaters stolen, along with the fawn.”
Photo via Portland Walking Tours, @PortlandWalks.
Read the rest of this sad story, “Knit sweaters ripped off iconic Portland statues“.
Maybe they were the wrong team colours?? lol…
Ohhhhhhhhh I love your yarnbomb !
it happened to my yarnbomb on these statues too in the past… Hopefully the one I set up today will stay for a while 🙂