BD Wong Knits!

BD Wong Knits!

A priest on OZ, a doctor on SVU, Whiterose on Mr. Robot, Dr. Hugo Strange on Gotham (and I loved him as Wally on Nora from Queens) … and knitter?! Could I love him more?

Some people look forward to Christmas, for me, I look forward to sharing this post on August 31st every year! In 2016, I shared this fun photo of BD Wong knitting and it received hundreds of thousands of views and was shared thousands of times. I quickly learned that one of my clients at the time was represented by the same PR agency (small world), and then in 2018 I met him at a screening for a film I’d been working on – even smaller world, right? Not only does BD Wong knit (and has done since age 5), he’s very good at it too … I would expect nothing less!

“Most reasons people love knitting are the same reasons l like it, too. I have always thought it was a nifty thing to do. I also have an affinity for it. I am really good at fixing mistakes and troubleshooting.”


Did I mention he started when he was five-years-old and yes, HE IS VERY GOOD!

Read an interview with BD Wong at James Cox Knits.

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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

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