FIVE Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

FIVE Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

For yourself or for the yarn enthusiasts in your life, these new books are must-haves – highly recommend!

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us Wild and Woolly Knitted Animals: A Naturalist’s Notebook
by Sara Elizabeth Kellner

Through the eyes of our naturalist knitter, you’ll discover a world of interesting creatures. Inside, you’ll find her sketches of animals in their habitat, scientific notes, and her knitting patterns that capture the unique personality of each animal.

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us Cat-Hair Hats for Cats: Craft Fetching Headwear for Your Feline Friends
by rojiman & umatan

Cat lovers, rejoice! If you’ve ever wondered what to do with the seemingly endless supply of shed hair that accumulates on your furniture, clothes, even your physical person, Cat-Hair Hats for Cats is here to teach you how to turn excess fur into an expression of your cat’s many moods.

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us Unravelling Women’s Art: Creators, Rebels, & Innovators in Textile Arts Paperback
by P.L. Henderson (Author), Cheryl Denise Robson (Editor)

Entertaining as well as informative, this new book offers a unique overview of female-centric textile art production including embroidery, weaving, soft sculpture and more. Includes over 20 interviews with contemporary textile artists, providing fascinating insights into their practices, themes and personal motivation.

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us Knitstrips: The World’s First Comic-Strip Knitting Book Paperback
by Alice Ormsbee Beltran (Author), Karen Kim Mar (Author)

The book includes 22 brand-new patterns and is designed to mimic a bound collection of comic books in a series: each “issue” with its own cover and wry theme—from yarn stashes to binge knitting—that is close to the heart of knitters. Issues offer four to six knitting patterns each, plus designer highlights and a variety of stories and technical discussions. The result is a fresh, lively knitting adventure that is like nothing the fiber world has seen before.

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us Knitting Bag of Tricks: Over 70 sanity saving hacks for better knitting
by Patty Lyons (Author)

Patty Lyons is an expert in all things knitting related. She will help you solve all of your knitting problems—from edges that won’t behave to adjusting your yarn tension—with the 70+ hacks in Patty Lyons’ Knitting Bag of Tricks. Featuring dozens of brand new how-tos and the most popular tricks from author Patty Lyons’ beloved advice columns, this handy guide goes far beyond your typical knitting tips.

FIVE New Books For Knitters, Crocheters & Fiber Enthusiasts Like Us

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About The Author


Danielle Holke is a long-time knitter, first taught by her beloved grandmother as a young girl growing up in Canada. In 2008 she launched KnitHacker, a lively blog and knitting community which has since grown to be a popular presence in contemporary knitting culture, reaching more than a million readers each year. As a marketing professional, Danielle advises and works with a motley squad of artists, yarn bombers, film makers, pattern designers, yarn companies and more. Learn more about her latest book, Knits & Pieces: A Knitting Miscellany.

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