Awesome Knitted Eyepatch
I’m not sure that I have the whole story, but I *think* our crafty nerd here (her words!) knitted this for her sister who had eye surgery. In any case, Craft Diversions is super-creative and this patch is cool.
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by Danielle | Feb 3, 2011 | Knit Hacks | 1 |
I’m not sure that I have the whole story, but I *think* our crafty nerd here (her words!) knitted this for her sister who had eye surgery. In any case, Craft Diversions is super-creative and this patch is cool.
Read Moreby Danielle | Sep 30, 2010 | Food Hacks | 0 |
His is felted, hers was real. Made and shared by BonnieBoo23. This meat eyepatch has made me think of this hilarious sci-fi short, “They’re Made of Meat” … “Thinking meat! You’re asking me to...
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